Welcome To Velavan Vidyalaya
About Us
CBSE Affliation number - 1931610
The FALCON represents success, victory and rising above a situation. It is symbolic of the rising sun in Egypt. It is also the king of the birds. Other characteristics ascribed to FALCON are vision. ambition, willpower, mental acuity, foresight, fortitude, purpose and who offers protection especially during traditional period in life.
It is our aim that our students accomplish and shine is such a way that they inspire others to Aspire and Acquire….
Why Choose us
Our Vision
To form and evolve a Vibrant, Scientific and Educational community that is creative, adaptable and internationally renowned for excellence in education, in research and for improving the society through its innovative educational strategies.
Our Mission
Advancing the frontiers of knowledge, blending theory with practiceMotivating and enabling students to seek the highest levels of intellectual achievements and personal growth, to become complete human beings.Sharing knowledge, discoveries and inventions for the betterment of the world at large.